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The Storyteller: Laurence Douglas Miner played by Jack E....
Opening Night, Salvation Theater
Listen up buttercup!
You can tell by his smile, he singin' bout Miss Lilly
Miss Mary bringin' down the house
Mary Stuart as "Miss Mary"
Louis Cox as "The Reverend"
Ray Herron
D Miner...confessin'!
"And to the east, there was a storm brewin' the size of...
Earth gonna tremble and shake!
Everybody loves Miss Mary
"I worked them tabacca fields just long enough to acquire...
Now we tellin' the truth…
Must be singin' about some other woman...
"Some folks say daddy got what he deserved..."
He's tellin' a lie for sho'
We ain't done nothin'
The Coffee Gallery Backstage, without the set

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